Chelsea Byers was elected to the West Hollywood City Council on November 8, 2022. She currently works as Director of Programs and Partnership with Women’s Voices Now and is a core team member with Beautiful Trouble. Her background in training, education, and leadership development spans more than 15 years and she has developed and led both issue-based and electoral campaigns in her home state of Arizona, California, and on a national level. She is a former board member of Abundant Housing Los Angeles and President Emeritus of the Westside Young Democrats. The immediate past Vice Chair of the West Hollywood’s Human Services Commission, Byers’ priorities on the City Council include social service delivery, climate-change mitigation strategies, and emergency resiliency efforts, creating more affordable housing and resources for renters; enhancing the street-scape for improved pedestrian and cycling experiences while reducing vehicle-dependency, and community building and policy implementation to ensure West Hollywood is an inclusive community for all.