Happy Birthday Hillary!

Jen MyronukNews


“When There Are No Ceilings, The Sky’s The Limit!” ~ Hillary Clinton

We’re in the final stretch of this hard-fought and historic campaign. There are many ways you can get involved to show your support as we march towards victory on November 8th!

Support Hillary and NWPC by donating to our Parity PAC!
make a donation through NWPC’s Hillary Clinton fundraising page!

**And it’s not too early to Save the Date for NWPC’s celebratory event on January 20, 2017 in Washington D.C. Details to be announced soon!**

Here’s How YOU Can Support Hillary’s White House Win!

Make a Plan!

We know that when people make a plan to vote, they are more likely to follow through. Our new tool engages voters to make their plan for Election Day or to vote early, and sends them reminders leading up to the time they’ve set aside to vote! Feel free to use any of the graphics in the attached folder on social media with a link to www.hillaryclinton.com/makeaplan

Want to make a plan but don’t know where to vote? No problem – find a voting location at IWillVote.com/Locate.

Make Calls

You can make calls from home by simply using the online call tool, and even join a call team! You can join one of our teams below, or even create your own:

“Enough is Enough” – Call with FLOTUS: Michelle Obama says enough is enough. Make calls to elect Hillary Clinton in November.

Women for Hillary: Women are the backbone of this history-making election. Make calls now!

Mothers and Daughters: Moms and daughters, make calls together to elect our first woman president this November!

Once you’ve joined a team, you and your team can call one of our women-to-women phone banks. Right now, you can take action by calling women in Ohio! Use our Call Tool to call women in Ohio! You can do this in the comfort of your own home – alone or in a group!

Visit https://www.hillaryclinton.com/calls/phonebank/ and click

“Ohio: Women’s Outreach”

Help us elect Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States:

Travel to a battleground state to volunteer the last few weeks of the campaign:

Sign up here!

Meet your organizer! You can find and set up a time to meet with your local organizer here.

Are you able to spend time in a local campaign office volunteering on the weekends?

Make calls, knock doors, enter data, or support staff in your neighborhood.


Can you volunteer from your home or a friend’s home?

If you’re too busy to travel or work from a local office, consider volunteering from home by making calls from our online call tool found here.

Do you have a smartphone? Download our GOTV app on your iPhone at the App Store, (it’s free!) and do your part in electing our next president right at your fingertips by taking challenges and winning prizes!

Together, we can march towards a historic victory in the White House and in supporting women candidates across the country on November 8th!