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The National Women’s Political Caucus is proud to announce our endorsement of Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States.

Secretary Clinton has demonstrated time and time again that she is the best candidate in the race. She is a fighter and a champion for women and children, equal rights for all, health care, affordable educational opportunities and safer communities. She will work tirelessly for all of us and we stand with her.

NWPC will work tirelessly to make Hillary our first woman President. I have appointed NWPC past president Lulu Flores as the NWPC Hillary for America Task Force Chair to coordinate our fundraising efforts for Hillary. She will continue to reach out to you about achieving our goals. Please click here to donate through NWPC. Support Hillary’s campaign by donating here: Support Hillary in 2016!

Here’s our press release:
National Women’s Political Caucus Endorses Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States

Washington, D.C. – The National Women’s Political Caucus is proud to announce its endorsement of Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton for President of the United States of America.

“We endorsed Secretary Clinton in her 2008 presidential campaign and are happy to be able to do so again. She is an inspiring candidate who has proved time and time again that she has what it takes to be an exceptional President,” said NWPC President, Donna Lent.

Hillary Rodham Clinton has dedicated decades of her life to public service and advocating for women’s equality. After graduating from Yale Law School, she served as First Lady of Arkansas and then as First Lady of the United States. She modernized the office, taking on policy initiatives including healthcare and childcare. She traveled to more nations than any other previous First Lady, including a trip to China for the Fourth World Conference on Women where she declared, “that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women’s rights as separate from human rights.” In 2000, after her tenure as First Lady, Clinton held her first elected office as Senator from New York, becoming the first woman to serve in the Senate from the state. While in the Senate, Clinton proved to be a powerful legislator, signing on as an original co-sponsor of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and introducing multiple bills to correct the gender wage gap. Clinton then served as Secretary of State, once again becoming the most traveled Secretary in history, visiting a record 112 nations.

“No major party has ever nominated a woman for President. Not only is Secretary Clinton the most qualified candidate in the race, but her nomination would make history, inspiring more women to enter politics,” said Vice President of Political Planning, Paula Willmarth. “She has long stated that there is no difference between human rights and women’s rights and with recent attacks on women’s health, this is more important than ever.” Willmarth also stated “when women are at the table, the conversation is elevated; the landscape changes and the work gets done. This is why it’s important that Secretary Clinton be our next President.”

President Donna Lent has created a task force to be led by past NWPC President Lulu Flores, to work directly with the campaign.

The NWPC, founded in 1971, is a national, multi-partisan, grassroots membership organization dedicated to identifying, recruiting, training and supporting women candidates for elected and appointed office.


  1. Pingback: Top Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Be Our Next President | National Women's Political Caucus

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